About us

About us

Why we dare to be different?

Because we love our country…

Why has an amazing country filled with a rich tapestry of art, culture, history and food…that has beautiful tropical beaches, breathtaking caves and mountain vistas…with strong and proud, yet warm and humble people…failed to attract as many tourists as other countries in the same region?

This sad fact continued to bother a young Vietnamese woman, Ha Nguyen, so much that she was compelled to do something about it. With youthful passion and determination, plus a generous dose of entrepreneurial spirit, young Ha decided she would turn her love of travel into a business that would help her beloved Vietnam gain recognition on the world tourism stage.

In 2005, as part of a national televised ‘Entrepreneur’ competition, Ha and a group of her fellow students wrote a business proposal titled ‘Taste Vietnam with your six senses’. The aim of the proposal was to promote the hidden charms of Vietnam, and bring travellers to taste, feel, smell, touch, see and experience Vietnam in a real and personal way. Such was their passion and commitment to this idea, Ha and her colleagues won the $10,000 USD first prise…and from this Innoviet Travel was born.

The name Innoviet was chosen not only because it reflects innovation on the part of its founder (Ha), but also because it encompasses the innovative spirit of the Vietnamese people. Innoviet’s purpose is to provide customized and truly local excursions for its customers, and at the same time provide opportunity and economic benefits to local communities, as well as supporting and promoting sustainable tourism in Vietnam.

Innoviet provides the experience, you create the memories, your friends and family will hear the stories. We love Vietnam…and because of our passion and commitment to this amazing country, we know you will too.

Toward sustainable tourism

Our team philosophy

If it’s good for our customers, good for Vietnam, and good for the planet…then it’s good for us! At Innoviet Travel all our team shares the same values and commitment to sustainable and rewardable tourism. We believe that all our tours should provide only benefits and value, never just cost or compromise…and it’s this philosophy we use as the basis for all of our tours.

Our commitment  

Today, human impact on the environment is a very real threat the world over. While tourism is affected by this, it is also a major contributor to the problem. As a responsible travel company which creates and promotes tourism, we see it as our personal responsibility to ensure that any negative impact we have on the environment is minimised, and we consciously work toward developing tours that help to protect and sustain the environment. This is our focus and commitment to protecting Vietnam and the world for future generations to enjoy.

Our actions

Actions speak louder than works…so not only do we talk the talk, but we walk the walk.

Local Ethical Tourism

Whenever and wherever possible, we will support locally owned and operated businesses who share the same values, philosophy, and commitments as we do. We hope that through interaction with people from across the globe, local Vietnamese communities can learn the value of protecting the environment, and at the same time allow these communities to thrive while still maintaining their ethnic identities.

Environmental Awareness

We know that wherever humans set foot they have an impact on the environment. In being aware of this we are able to consciously reduce this impact by carefully designing and selecting our tours so that we have as little impact as possible…and even hopefully have a positive impact through participating in local education and environmental programs. If the next stop on our tour is not too far, we will cycle instead of scooter.

Mekong Delta Tours Specialist

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

Our Awesome Partners

Proud to work with our incredible partners local and worldwide.



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