10 typical types of fruit at the Mekong Delta

10 typical types of fruit at the Mekong Delta

10 typical types of fruit at the Mekong Delta

Travel Guide Huy Do 12359 Thursday, 24/05/2018, 16:26

Due to its mostly flat terrain, nutrient-rich soil and the region’s weather, Mekong Delta has gained its fame as the tropical fruits land.

Due to its mostly flat terrain, nutrient-rich soil and the region’s weather is warm with long hours of sunshine, high average temperature and humidity year round. Following are some of the fruits you will be encountering as you make your way to Mekong Delta; some are probably strange to the people from the north part of the country. And there are 10 typical types of fruit in the Mekong that you should not miss!


Whenever Vietnamese people think of coconuts, Ben Tre Province immediately comes to their mind people call it “ the coconut kingdom”. Even though coconut trees can be found throughout the country but only in “the coconut kingdom” you can find the best coconut ever in Vietnam. The delicious range of hydrating coconut water has a flavour that is regarded amongst the best in the world, because you will find the flavour does not stick and linger on the palate for as long. It contains natural hydration, natural source of potassium, zero fat and zero cholesterol with pandan leaves flavor.

Price : 10.000 - 20.000 Vietnam Dong/ coconut

Fruiting season: All year long  (the best quality in dry season from  November to May).

Coconuts vary in flavor and use depending on their age. The best stage to have sweet coconut water is when it is immature.



Jackfruit is an exotic, large, green and spiky fruit grown in tropical regions of the world. Jackfruit has a subtle sweet and fruity flavor. It has been said to taste similar to a combination of fruits, including apples, melons, mangoes and bananas. The green spiky fruit is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, other minerals and fiber. In Mekong Delta there are so many kinds of Jackfruit ( but durian is a completely different fruit)  you can find it in every local market.

Fruiting season: May to November (peak period June to July).

Local price: Under 40.000 Vietnam Dong/ Kilo in local market and  

Dried jackfruit can be found in many different ways with zero fat, including air dried, vacuum dried, freeze dried jackfruit. If you are a big fan of this kind of fruit you can buy dried jackfruit packs in every supermarket in Hochiminh City

The King of fruits

If you’ve smelled a durian even once, you probably remember it. It’s supposed to be the smelliest fruit in the world. A lot of people say that the giant spiky fruit has a rich custard-like flavor made from rotten eggs and smells like gasoline and onions But in Vietnam people call it the King of fruits. If there are "100 things you should taste before you die", then the durian fruit is certainly in the top of your list. It is mainly cultivated in the South but there are some orchards in the highlands.

Price : 100.000 - 150.000 Vietnam Dong/ coconut

Fruiting season: May to November (peak period June to July).

Even Though people in Southeast Asia love durians but in Singapore, it is banned in public transportations or hotels. If you are afraid of its smell you can order a glass of durian smoothie.


A lot of people from the Western part of the world are unfamiliar with the rambutan, because it is native to Southeast Asia countries. It is supposed primarily for its similarities with the lychee and longan fruit. The flesh is very similar to the lychee in regards to the texture but the taste is not as rich or creamy. The flesh is white and you will find a seed in the middle which you do not want to eat. Rambutan fruit contains diverse nutrition but in modest amounts.





Price : 20.000 - 30.000 Vietnam Dong/ coconut

Fruiting season: May to July.

Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is an exotic and delicious fruit, which is sweet, a little bit sour and crunchy. The fruit tastes a bit like a cross between pear and kiwi fruit. Dragon fruit contains carotene, Vitamin B, C and minerals. In Vietnam, there are two types of dragon fruits, namely, red skin with red flesh and red skin with white flesh. White dragon fruit has white pulp flesh which is easier to cultivation than the red one. The red dragon fruit has more water, stronger flavor than white dragon fruit. Besides the price of the white dragon fruit is cheaper than red dragon fruit, we can get it easily in local markets, too.

Fruiting season: Dragon fruit’s harvest season is in October, November, April and May

Price: White dragon fruit: 20.000 - 30.000 VND/ kilogram and 35.000 - 50.000 VND/ kilogram for the Red one.

Eating too much red-colored dragon fruit can turn urine reddish. Thousands of seeds inside the fruit also contribute to its nutritional benefit. They contain protein as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.


The largest known citrus fruits, it appears like a big grapefruit but has a sweeter taste to it and is much less bitter. There are several tasty varieties of pomelo in Vietnam, often named after the location where it grows most of them are sweet and juicy. In Mekong Delta the two best types of pomelo must be Nam Roi pomelo (light green skin and light yellow flesh pomelo) and Da Xanh pomelo (dark green skin and red flesh pomelo). A lot of westerners said that the pomelo that they had in Mekong Delta is the best pomelo that they ever had and much better than grapefruit because of its sweetness and juiciness.

Da xanh pomelo



Nam Roi pomelo


Fruiting season: all the log

Price : Nam Roi pomelo : 30.000 -  40.000 VND/ kilogram and 75.000 - 100.000 VND/ kilogram for the Da Xanh pomelo.

In Vietnam, nothing wastes from pomelo fruit. Pomelo Dessert soup (in Vietnamese: Chè bưởi) made from mung beans, coconut flesh, coconut milk and pomelo rind, you can order a glass of “chè bưởi” on every corner in towns or cities. Even you can find a pomelo candy pack in supermarket made from the fruit’s peel. According to Vietnamese traditional medicine eating pomelo peel is one of the best ways to get rid of cough.


Star apple

It is native to the central America which is the size and shape of an apple and is named for the star-shaped core. In Mekong Delta, the fruit also exists in two colors, dark purple, greenish brown. The purple fruit has a denser skin and texture while the greenish brown fruit has a thin skin and a more liquid pulp. Star apples are delicious as a fresh dessert fruit; they are sweet very smooth and best served chilled. The fruit is low in calories but packed with vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants.


Fruiting season: From December to March

Price: Dark purple: 20.000 -  30.000 VND/ kilogram and 35.000 - 50.000 VND/ kilogram for the greenish brown.

In Vietnamese, its name “vu sua”  means a woman’s breast because of its milky and juicy flesh. Before eating a star apple, press your hands evenly around the fruit until it gets very soft (you know another reason why people call it “milky breast” right ? )  then using a knife, cut it into two parts. With a spoon, grate the pulp until only the outer cover remains.

The queen of fruits

If Durian is “The king of fruits” then “the queen of fruit” must be mangosteen. Visually, the fruit looks the same as the purple “milky breast” fruit. With Highly valued for its juicy, delicate texture and slightly sweet and sour flavour, the combination of strawberry and peach, the mangosteen has been cultivated in Southern Vietnam. Mangosteen is rich in water, carbohydrates, and fiber. Essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamins are found in this fruit. So the fruit is highly effective in helping you suppress your appetite, lose weight, and enhance overall well-being.

Fruiting season: From May to August

Price: 50.000 -  80.000 VND/ kilogram.

According to Thai legend, Queen Victoria had kept a reward price of 100 pounds sterling to whosoever would bring her the fresh purple mangosteen. This could be the reason why the mangosteen has earned its nickname of “Queen of fruits”.


The fruit is native to the tropical regions of America and is widely propagated to other tropical areas of the World, including Mekong delta. The flavor of fruit has been described as a combination of strawberries and pineapples, with sour citrus flavor with white creamy texture of banana. But eating fresh fruit is far from the only way this unique fruit can be used. In southern Vietnam, it is frequently used to make juice, smoothies, ice-cream and even salad.

Fruiting season: All year long ( peak period March to June)

Price: 40.000 - 50.000 VND/ kilogram.

Other parts of soursop tree can be used for treating and preventing a variety of health problems. You can also prepare soursop tea, which is prepared from the leaves of this tree. Scientists have also confirmed the effectiveness of this herb against 12 cancers.


Sapodilla thought to have originated in the Central American rainforests. Nowadays it is grown in large quantities in Southeast Asia. Sapodilla fruit is shaped like an egg in brown color and for some people it looks like a potato. The flesh inside is very juicy, creamy and sweet and its texture tastes the same as Kiwifruit. Fresh ripe sapodilla is a good source of several minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins. The unripe fruit is hard to the touch and contains high amounts of resin, sticky and drying out your mouth. It should be enjoyed without any additions in order to experience its unique flavor.

Fruiting season: All year long ( peak period November to February )

Price: 20.000 - 30.000 VND/ kilogram.

Eating sapodilla with a pinch of salt is a recommended home therapy for curing constipation.

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