Located in Dak Nong Province, Ta Dung nature reserve lies deeply between Dak Nong plateau and Di Linh. The greenery mountain range surrounds the reserve to protect it from the world outside. Thanks to it, Ta Dung has a diverse ecology and wild landscapes. It is home to over 1,000 species of flora and fauna. You can also encounter many ethnic minorities living here. At the foot of Ta Dung mountain, Ma and Mong people preserve their culture and live by fishing.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can enjoy the marvelous view of Ta Dung Lake. Nature always knows how to show her beauty in the way that we can do nothing but admire. Islands amid water in the green background can ease any mind and bring peace to your soul.

To visit the lake, tourists can hire a boat, there have not been, and never been cruises.
You can immerse yourself in Ta Dung nature by trekking through the jungle or simply camping near the lake.