Alley (Hẻm) is one of the most iconic symbols of the big city with great population in Vietnam like Saigon. Being as tourists, we rarely think of getting around in a small hidden alleys Ho Chi Minh city tour to discover local lifestyles because it is easy to get lost. When it happens, you do not know where you are and how you can find the way to get back to the hotel. However, to understand a culture deeply, we need to get out of our comfort zone and dive into real local life. That’s why we said yes to “Saigon Hidden Alleys” tour- one of the unique Ho Chi Minh city tours that we design only for you.

What is the first impression of Ho Chi Minh City in a typically city tour ? Houses sit next to houses. The only separation line between two houses facing each other is 1-meter concrete road. Surprisingly, scooter riders can manage themselves without pumping into pedestrians, main doors or food stalls.

In a unique Ho Chi Minh City Tour, daily activities of locals are exposed directly to our eyes. We could see some having dinner, watching television or resting in sofas. It’s interesting to wander around to encounter all that. Spending time on walking around these endless alleys not only brings you unexpected little surprises (greeting from a little kid) but also an intimate connection with locals. The life of Sai Gon as it is, closer to you than ever. Besides, sitting on the sidewalk to have some snacks and talking with the tour guide about alley life is also a highlight of this unique city tour. We could get real insight from the local perspective. And by taking a unique city tour into the heart of Sai Gon, you experience the authentic life and the real Saigon Culture yourself.

Our customer - Tristan said: “Hidden Alleys Tour was exceptional. I really can not recommend this enough, you are guided to areas (mainly District 4) that you would not be able to navigate yourselves, whilst eating street food and watching local life!” ( Source: Tripadvisor)

Living in such a big and energetic city like Saigon, Saigonese (people of Saigon) could not avoid noise from the surrounding environment. It is hard to find a quite place in the downtown, however, it does not mean that it does not exist. Getting through alleys, you will find a different world where noise is left behind. This difference you only know you experience it on your own, which is the reason why people love to live in the alley. The world in the backyard of the street is also full of color and activities. To meet the basic needs of humans, local open small shops from grocery stores, barber shops to street food stores so you do not need to go out of your neighbor. Everything could be reached by walking distance. In addition, Vietnamese people love eating good food. It will be a big mistake to not mentioned district 4's cuisine. It is a mix of flavorful taste from creamy caramelized flan to delicious Hu Tieu noodles and refreshing sugarcane juice. You can even collect and write a food Bible here.

The spiritual life is also worth discovering. Catholic churches, Buddhist temples and local god altars could be packed in this smallest district, D4, with a great number. When the dawn comes, people in uniform or formal clothes from different directions rush to worship and pray for peace in these sacred places. In addition, the night seems to soak up the atmosphere and bring people back to their leisure time with friends and families. Houses are covered with city lights, streets filled with traffic and mouth-watering food smell from tiny food courts. All make the alleys more vivid than ever. Thats the amazing things that you can only discover authentically via a unique Ho Chi Minh City tour that we try to pack every little genuine thing of Vietnam and bring to you. Other exciting activities of the tours will be discovered in the tour page. Stay Tune. Or follow our Facebook and Instagram to get update daily stories:

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